Minggu, 20 Agustus 2017

Women in The Cultural Heritage : Klipoh’s Pottery

Carnelius ,The Dutchmen wiped the sweat in his eyebrow when the sun rose over his head. His eyes stared to 200 people worked in the hill.  Some cutted the tree and burned the scrub. The other cleaned the ruins.  Almost 2 months they cleared the forest to seek the great relic of 8th century. Cornelius did not want to disappoint his lord. His effort had begun to show it result. The team found the Buddha head statue that hidden in bushes. The big excavation in Magelang Regency lead by Cornelius actually based on Thomas S Raffles order when he heard about a rumor of the biggest temple in Java that hidden beneath the soil in that area.

During the excavation process, the team found another revelation. The found trace of pottery used by the household in that area long time ago.

After days and months of excavation, the temple showed it structure. From the structure, the archeologist found Karmawibhangga relief. The stories carved in the relief are about example of karma law and the ancient cultural activities. On that period, people used pottery in daily activities, for example : pot, tray, stove, cup, plate and many more.

The relief also indicates that the workers who build the temple used eating utensil made from clay. The utensil was allegedly provided by the villager around Klipoh village.

Since long time ago , Klipoh is known as pottery village. It was Nyai Kalipah and Nyai Kundi who introduced pottery art to the villager in Klipoh. As an appreciation to them, the villager made their statute as welcoming gate to the village.

Nur is making a pottery

In every morning, Nur will start her pottery work after she has finished her cleaning and washing duty. From her tiny chair, the 40th years old women took the clay on her side. She put it on the turntable and starts spinning to formed the clay into pottery. She only needs two minutes to turn the clay to ‘cobek’. Nur will repeat the process until afternoon.

Nur is not alone, most of the woman in Klipoh Village also made pottery every morning. They produce household pottery such as cobek, blengerm and sentir. It is a must to every woman in the village to gain the pottery skill. Previously, they started to made pottery when they were in elementary school, but now it changes.

I learn about the pottery production from Nur. She explained to me about the process from production to marketing while she was busy crafting the clay.

There are several steps to make one pottery. First, clay is formed into desired utensils and let it dry by the air. Second, fix the flaw on the pottery. Third, put it back on the yard and let the sun dried it. Fourth, after it’s turn grey, burned it in large oven. Men usually do the last step.
the pottery are draining

Once the pottery is ready, the husband will sell it in traditional market. The marketing and distribution process are the responsibility of the man in the village. Many years ago, they have to walk and carry the pottery product to sell it around Magelang. Now, they have collectors who come to their village and buy the pottery. Through the network of these collectors, the pottery is distributed to Magelang, Semarang, and Secang.

The job division among men and women in the village is well distributed. The woman is responsible to make pottery, while the man is responsible to the burning process and marketing. It is rarely to find any man making pottery in Klipoh.

the women's job

Through that job division, it is actually make the woman more independent. Hence, on the household, man and women has the same significant role. As the woman has share the same amount of responsibility, they have bargaining position and freedom to express their opinion.  It is important to maintain such culture.

However, the community in this region has to face major challenge. Their next generations prefer to work as food vendors or souvenir merchant around Borobudur temple. If the villagers ignore that condition, maybe that ancient handicraft will disappear.

Aware of that condition, the Local Government is starting to intervene. They integrate Klipoh’s pottery into local curriculum for nearby school and turn Klipoh village to be the center of pottery tourism. The activities will be village tour, photo hunting, and feel the experience of making pottery.

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